How do we get the indented quote? I haven't been able to find post code for that yet :D
If you just put a ">" in front of the text, it'll put it into indented quote, or you could highlight the desired quote text and click the 3rd symbol from left, the " quotation marks.
If the courts & legislature are eaten up/removed, then those qualify the military to do the courts martial of all bad politicians & deep state members that the military chooses legally.
Exactly. So long as there are legally functioning legislatures and courts, then the Constitution can be upheld. But when you have complete legal breakdowns, like what happened from 1860-1865, where entire state governments, executives and courts, engaged in open insurrection and rebellion against the federal government, they only thing that could be done is martial law, with military governors, administrators and tribunals/commissions/courts. This is long standing constitutional and common law legal precedent. Albeit, the legal thinking has evolved over the past two centuries to adapt to modern developments and circumstances.
Despite the numerous abuses, the cases of insurrection and rebellion, of treason and acts of war against the USA, occuring over the past 2 years (and longer), so long as there are legal remedies and legitimate, functional governments and courts, the military cannot intervene. Imo, the Rubicon had already been crossed though. I understand the long game being played, though I'd have personally taken a more Lincolnesque approach.
How do we get the indented quote? I haven't been able to find post code for that yet :D
If you just put a ">" in front of the text, it'll put it into indented quote, or you could highlight the desired quote text and click the 3rd symbol from left, the " quotation marks.
If the courts & legislature are eaten up/removed, then those qualify the military to do the courts martial of all bad politicians & deep state members that the military chooses legally.
Exactly. So long as there are legally functioning legislatures and courts, then the Constitution can be upheld. But when you have complete legal breakdowns, like what happened feom 1860-1865, where entire state governments, executives and courts, engaged in open insurrection and rebellion against the federal government, they only thing that could be done is martial law, with military governors, administrators and tribunals/commissions/courts. This is long standing constitutional and common law legal precedent. Albeit, the legal thinking has evolved over the past two centuries to adapt to modern developments and circumstances.