My guess is honey booboo gogo juice. Other guesses, blood or blood products transfusion (larger bore IV required for some things), IV antibiotics, or maybe heparin (clot episode?), IV contrast dye for head/body scans. The hand is visible, and should be considered a last resort to avoid questions. I bet his arms are blown out already and impossible to hit, which could mean dehydration, extremely fragile vessel walls. His fingers look a little purple, poor circulation, heart or vascular disease.
My guess is honey booboo gogo juice. Other guesses, blood or blood products transfusion, IV antibiotics, or maybe heparin (clot episode?), IV contrast dye for head/body scans. The hand is visible, and should be considered a last resort to avoid questions. I bet his arms are blown out already and impossible to hit, which could mean dehydration, extremely fragile vessel walls, or bleeding disorder.