Now, as the tide turns and we're ready to take back our country, the likes of you retards show up to insult literally 158 million Americans.
Loathing Jews (not muh Khazarians, all Jews)? Check.
Loathing Christians? Check.
Loathing a bulk majority of American white men? Check.
How fucking deluded do you need to be to pretend circumcision hasn't been the norm in the US for at least a century?
How fucking deluded do you need to be to think the reason those 158 million American non-Jewish men got circumcised because they were brow-beaten by some rabbi?
I'm not even making a pro-circumcision arguments, just calling out the revisionism your team is engaging in. You're changing history to fit your worldview. It's pathetic and any modicum of research would negate your insane belief.
On deck, Nazitards ready to rant about muh Talmud and wailing on behalf of poor Jewish babies who get herpes because their Rabbis chewed their foreskins off.
Now, as the tide turns and we're ready to take back our country, the likes of you retards show up to insult literally 158 million Americans.
Loathing Jews (not muh Khazarians, all Jews)? Check.
Loathing Christians? Check.
How fucking deluded do you need to be to pretend circumcision hasn't been the norm in the US for at least a century?
How fucking deluded do you need to be to think the reason those 158 million American non-Jewish men got circumcised because they were brow-beaten by some rabbi?
I'm not even making a pro-circumcision arguments, just calling out the revisionism your team is engaging in. You're changing history to fit your worldview. It's pathetic and any modicum of research would negate your insane belief.
On deck, Nazitards ready to rant about muh Talmud and wailing on behalf of poor Jewish babies who get herpes because their Rabbis chewed their foreskins off.
Now, as the tide turns and we're ready to take back our country, the likes of you retards show up to insult literally 158 million Americans.
Loathing Jews (not muh Khazarians, all Jews)? Check.
Loathing Christians? Check.
How fucking deluded do you need to be to pretend circumcision hasn't been the norm in the US for at least a century?
How fucking deluded do you need to be to think the reason those 158 million American non-Jewish men got circumcised because they were brow-beaten by some rabbi?
On deck, Nazitards ready to rant about muh Talmud and wailing on behalf of poor Jewish babies who get herpes because their Rabbis chewed their foreskins off.