So not only has Biden not repealed EO 13848 (he's actually extended it twice, along with 13818 if I'm not mistaken), but his DoJ is actually using it to indict foreign agents for election interference. That is, it is being used as it was intended when Trump signed it.
JustHuman has an Ayn Rand quote that he likes to throw around alot. To paraphrase: "Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you are faced with a contradiction, reexamine your assumptions. You will find that at least one is incorrect."
edit: changed "proscute" to "indict" in the first paragraph. Apparently the Iranians named in the indictment are still at large.
So not only has Biden not repealed EO 13848 (he's actually extended it twice, along with 13818 if I'm not mistaken), but his DoJ is actually using it to prosecute foreign agents for election interference. That is, it is being used as it was intended when Trump signed it.
JustHuman has an Ayn Rand quote that he likes to throw around alot. To paraphrase: "Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you are faced with a contradiction, reexamine your assumptions. You will find that at least one is incorrect."