Apart from the Torah the first five books of the Bible, your other documents what do you know of the provenance of them? - no other manuscript apart from the Bible says that the Creator God came in flesh to pay for the sins of the created in order that the created may live for eternity with the Creator. Not one!
The Bible states that the Torah - which means Teaching - was dictated to Moses by God Himself.
The Bible shows the details of creation 'In the beginning God created ...' , we then see how man cannot even obey one commandment. We then see in Chapter 4 the full effect of sin entering into mankind. Cain murdered Abel because Abel is following God's way but Cain wants to follow his own way - following his conscience and pineal gland. It ends with extreme violence towards other men for little of no reason Genesis 4:23-24 check it out!
Chapter 5 we see the line of Adam through Noah - the original account of the Gilgamesh epic. In Chapter 5 God sets out how He will save mankind from himself, it's in the meanings of the name - all names have a meaning.
“*Man *[Adam] is *appointed * [Seth] *mortal * [Enosh] to *sorrow * [Kenan]; but *the Blessed God * [Mahalalel] shall come down [Jered] *teaching * [Enoch] that His death shall bring [Methuselah] the despairing [Lamech] rest or comfort. [Noah]”
The Bible of 66 books by 40 authors written over a period of some 2,500 years carries a clear and consistent message from Genesis to Revelation. Telling of the Creator God who desires a personal relationship with each of His creation, so much so that He came to pay the price 'wages of sin is death' we could not.
So first I have a personal relationship with God, next I have the Bible which provides the consistent message from cover to cover which affirms all I have in the personal relationship.
The good news for you uk9994 is that God desires a personal relationship with you as well, Jesus died to pay the price for your sins 1 John 2:2 so that you do not need to end up in Hell/the Lake of Fire if you will just receive Him John 3:16. He marks it this date in the book of Your Life that you have been told this - the choice for you now, is will you stop looking for Him in all the wrong places, stop trusting in your self.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
Apart from the Torah the first five books of the Bible, your other documents what do you know of the provenance of them? - no other manuscript apart from the Bible says that the Creator God came in flesh to pay for the sins of the created in order that the created may live for eternity with the Creator. Not one!
The Bible states that the Torah - which means Teaching - was dictated to Moses by God Himself.
The Bible shows the details of creation 'In the beginning God created ...' , we then see how man cannot even obey one commandment. We then see in Chapter 4 the full effect of sin entering into mankind. Cain murdered Abel because Abel is following God's way but Cain wants to follow his own way - following his conscience and pineal gland. It ends with extreme violence towards other men for little of no reason Genesis 4:23-24 check it out!
Chapter 5 we see the line of Adam through Noah - the original account of the Gilgamesh epic. In Chapter 5 God sets out how He will save mankind from himself, it's in the meanings of the name - all names have a meaning.
“*Man *[Adam] is *appointed * [Seth] *mortal * [Enosh] *sorrow * [Kenan]; but *the Blessed God * [Mahalalel] shall come down [Jered] *teaching * [Enoch] that His death shall bring [Methuselah] the despairing [Lamech] rest or comfort. [Noah]”
The Bible of 66 books by 40 authors written over a period of some 2,500 years carries a clear and consistent message from Genesis to Revelation. Telling of the Creator God who desires a personal relationship with each of His creation, so much so that He came to pay the price 'wages of sin is death' we could not.
So first I have a personal relationship with God, next I have the Bible which provides the consistent message from cover to cover which affirms all I have in the personal relationship.
The good news for you uk9994 is that God desires a personal relationship with you as well, Jesus died to pay the price for your sins 1 John 2:2 so that you do not need to end up in Hell/the Lake of Fire if you will just receive Him John 3:16. He marks it this date in the book of Your Life that you have been told this - the choice for you now, is will you stop looking for Him in all the wrong places, stop trusting in your self.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.