You have Soros, and don't forget MOSSAD (cue the once written, often quoted 'Saving Israel for Last'). At this point in the game, I'm more trusting of a Democrat whose strings were recently cut and now owned by Patriots than I am of RINOs.
How many "peel backs" are we going to have to go through to stop it in your opinion.
Patriots are essentially collecting blackmail strings from tens of thousands of politicians/VIPs and their handlers, using their Flips to uncover human traffickers and rogue brainwashed killer cells (Suicide Squad deals), all while determining justice for ex-Clowns. A difficult question, as to decipher which actions were taken under duress of one's family's safety/which ones were born into it, vs. which actions were plain out evil and self-serving (GAW would hang them all without impunity, of course).
The US is slowed down by it's due process, leveraging sealed indictments etc, vs. the swiftness of say Saudi Arabia or China.
You have Soros, and don't forget MOSSAD (cue the once written, often quoted 'Saving Israel for Last'). At this point in the game, I'm more trusting of a Democrat whose strings were recently cut and now owned by Patriots than I am of RINOs.
How many "peel backs" are we going to have to go through to stop it in your opinion.
Patriots are essentially collecting blackmail strings from tens of thousands of politicians/VIPs and their handlers, using their Flips to uncover human traffickers and rogue brainwashed killer cells (Suicide Squad deals), all while determining justice for ex-Clowns. A difficult question, as to decipher which actions were taken under duress of one's family's safety/which ones were born into it, vs. which actions were plan out evil and self-serving (GAW would hang them all without impunity, of course).
The US is slowed down by it's due process, leveraging sealed indictments etc, vs. the swiftness of say Saudi Arabia or China.