"If we are to return to the gold standard, the yellow metal should be revalued to $14,000-$35,000."
Nobody knows for sure but I think this is a conservative guess. This whole central bank fiat shitshow is about to collapse. When it does it will come down to those with physical Gold and Silver [money] and those without. Get it while you still can.
"If we are to return to the gold standard, the yellow metal should be revalued to $14,000-$35,000."
Nobody knows for sure but I think this is a conservative guess. This whole central bank fiat shitshow is about to collapse. When it does it will come down to those with physical Gold and Silver [money] and those without. Get it while you still can.
"If we are to return to the gold standard, the yellow metal should be revalued to $14,000-$35,000."
Nobody knows for sure but I think this is a conservative guess.