We can and absolutely should have NESARA. It just can't happen until patriots are in control.
I know, I know, Patriots Are Now In Control.
Not of free and fair elections, they aren't.
That's the only reason people are bummed about a Trump announcement for "2024". Because 2018, 2020, and 2022 don't point to being able to elect him again. Democrats will, for the fourth straight time, simply steal the election IN PLAIN SIGHT and laugh demonically while nothing is done about it.
That said, Q wrote "Nothing can stop what is coming," not "Stolen elections can stop what is coming! Dang it, we never for a moment dreamed THAT would happen! That wrecks the whole Plan to Save the World!!!" So we'll have to wait and....see what happens.
We can and absolutely should have NESARA. It just can't happen until patriots are in control.
I know, I know, Patriots Are Now In Control.
Not of free and fair elections, they aren't.
That's the only reason people are bummed about a Trump announcement for "2024". Because 2018, 2020, and 2022 don't point to being able to elect him again. Democrats will, for the fourth straight time, simply steal the election IN PLAIN SIGHT and laugh demonically while nothing is done about it.
That said, Q said "Nothing can stop what is coming," not "Stolen elections can stop what is coming! Dang it, we never for a moment dreamed THAT would happen! That wrecks the whole Plan to Save the World!!!" So we'll have to wait and....see what happens.
We can and absolutely should have NESARA. It just can't happen until patriots are in control.
I know, I know, Patriots Are Now In Control.
Not of free and fair elections, they aren't. That's the only reason people are bummed about a Trump announcement for "2024". Because 2018, 2020, and 2022 don't point to being able to elect him again.
That said, Q said "Nothing can stop what is coming," not "Stolen elections can stop what is coming! Dang it, we never for a moment dreamed THAT would happen! That wrecks the whole Plan to Save the World!" So we'll have to wait and....see what happens.
We can and absolutely should have NESARA. It just can't happen until patriots are in control.
I know, I know, Patriots Are Now In Control.
Not of free and fair elections, they aren't. That's the only reason people are bummed about a Trump announcement for "2024". Because 2018, 2020, and 2022 don't point to being able to elect him again. Instead, they point to "Basically no matter what you do, Democrats are going to be allowed all the mail-in voting, all the illegal and dead people voting, and all the time they need after Election 'Day' to steal the election."
If by some miracle Republicans happen to take the House by one seat this Election Month, big fucking deal. They can craft bills all day long that repeal the Greed New Steal or seek investigations into treason, money laundering, child trafficking, and election fraud...and the stolen Senate will quash them with a laugh.