One thread and you are already convinced it's absolute and everyone talks about it? It only has 65 upvotes. You really are undereducated. Not only that. you are convinced everyone thinks "“This is an amazing dig, and a plausible theory. I wonder, has Jim Carrey been seen recently?”
That question sounds retarded and and you believe a retarded question convinced merely 65 upvotes and that applies to everyone?
One thread and you are already convinced it's absolute and everyone talks about it? It only has 65 upvotes. You really are undereducated.
One thread and you are already convinced it's absolute and everyone talks about it? It only has 65 upvotes. You really are undereducated. You are too easy to deduce.
One thread and you already convinced it's absolute and everyone talks about it? It only has 65 upvotes. You really are undereducated. You are too easy to deduce.