Your welcome. Frankly, there is a gang of these grifters operating within the Patriot movement. I will say in Juan/Wayne's defense, that he does stay clear of most of the trash - Parkes, Jako, Tarot by Jeanene, Ward, Godlewski, SGanon, Mackay, and a few others. Even though Nino runs close to those circles, Juan/Wayne limits his contact with them. He is not stupid.
There is disinformation and outright grift in the Paytriot movement. Their favorite moniker is calling themselves a "truther." What the heck is that? Anyone that tries to call them out on their BS supposed "intel," is accused of causing division in the "truther" movement. No, they are simply being called out on their crap. Ward has been claiming GESARA has been going live for several years now - and people continue to believe this stuff. Several of them claim to be remote viewing and channeling. WTF? If that doesn't send up red flags, I don't know what would.
We really need to start weeding out these scam artists from being sources of information. It makes us all look bad. They pray upon people new to the movement that are looking for sources of news and happen to stumble on their ring since they are all over the place. It is hard not to run in to them looking for info. I am pretty sure they are being financed by much bigger fish that want to feed us disinformation and outright lies. We are in fifth generation information warfare - the battlefield of the mind. Q said, be careful who you follow. Those are not wasted words.
Your welcome. Frankly, there is a gang of these grifters operating within the Patriot movement. I will say in Juan/Wayne's defense, that he does stay clear of most of the trash - Parkes, Jako, Tarot by Jeanene, Ward, Godlewski, SGanon, Mackay, and a few others. Even though Nino runs close to those circles, Juan/Wayne limits his contact with them. He is not stupid.
There is disinformation and outright grift in the Paytriot movement. Their favorite moniker is calling themselves a "truther." What the heck is that? Anyone that tries to call them out on their BS supposed "intel," is accused of causing division in the "truther" movement. No, they are simply being called out on their crap. Ward has been claiming GESARA has been going live for several years now - and people continue to believe this stuff.
We really need to start weeding out these scam artists from being sources of information. It makes us all look bad. They pray upon people new to the movement that are looking for sources of news and happen to stumble on their ring since they are all over the place. It is hard not to run in to them looking for info. I am pretty sure they are being financed by much bigger fish that want to feed us disinformation and outright lies. We are in fifth generation information warfare - the battlefield of the mind. Q said, be careful who you follow. Those are not wasted words.
Your welcome. Frankly, there is a gang of these grifters operating within the Patriot movement. I will say in Juan/Wayne's defense, that he does stay clear of most of the trash - Parkes, Jako, Tarot by Jeanene, Ward, Godlewski, SGanon, Mackay, and a few others. Even though Nino runs close to those circles, Juan/Wayne keeps his distance. He is not stupid.
There is disinformation and outright grift in the Paytriot movement. Their favorite moniker is calling themselves a "truther." What the heck is that? Anyone that tries to call them out on their BS supposed "intel," is accused of causing division in the "truther" movement. No, they are simply being called out on their crap. Ward has been claiming GESARA has been going live for several years now - and people continue to believe this stuff.
We really need to start weeding out these scam artists from being sources of information. It makes us all look bad. They pray upon people new to the movement that are looking for sources of news and happen to stumble on their ring since they are all over the place. It is hard not to run in to them looking for info. I am pretty sure they are being financed by much bigger fish that want to feed us disinformation and outright lies. We are in fifth generation information warfare - the battlefield of the mind. Q said, be careful who you follow. Those are not wasted words.
Your welcome. Frankly, there is a gang of these grifters operating within the Patriot movement. I will say in Juan/Wayne's defense, that he does stay clear of most of the trash - Parkes, Jako, Tarot by Jeanene, Ward, Godlewski, SGanon, Mackay, and a few others. Even though Nino runs close to those circles, Juan/Wayne keeps his distance. He is not stupid.
There is disinformation and outright grift in the Paytriot movement. Their favorite moniker is calling themselves a "truther." What the heck is that? Anyone that tries to call them out on their BS supposed "intel," is accused of causing division in the "truther" movement. No, they are simply being called out on their crap. We really need to start weeding out these scam artists from being sources of information. It makes us all look bad. Many of them I think are being financed by much bigger fish that want to feed us disinformation and outright lies. We are in fifth generation information warfare. The battlefield of the mind. Q said, be careful who you follow.
Your welcome. Frankly, there is a gang of these grifters operating within the Patriot movement. I will say in Juan/Wayne's defense, that he does stay clear of most of the trash - Parkes, Jako, Tarot by Jeanene, Ward, Godlewski, SGanon, and a few others. Even though Nino runs close to those circles, Juan/Wayne keeps his distance. He is not stupid.
There is disinformation and outright grift in the Paytriot movement. Their favorite moniker is calling themselves a "truther." What the heck is that? Anyone that tries to call them out on their BS supposed "intel," is accused of causing division in the "truther" movement. No, they are simply being called out on their crap. We really need to start weeding out these scam artists from being sources of information. It makes us all look bad. Many of them I think are being financed by much bigger fish that want to feed us disinformation and outright lies. We are in fifth generation information warfare. The battlefield of the mind. Q said, be careful who you follow.