Isn't it weird how many goof-ups they had, and every single one of their goof-ups furthered a depopulation agenda?
it could be slap-stick comedy!
Oops we let COVID out of the lab.
Oops we pushed mask mandates that trapped germs in your face.
Oops we put you on a vent that killed you
Oops we gave you remdesivir that killed you
Oops we accidentally said HCQ wasn’t effective
Oops we accidentally made ivermectin unavailable
Oops we made this fancy new vaccine that kills you slow
Oops we accidentally ram-rodded RvW thru the SCOTUS, and killed 63,000,000 babies
Oops we accidentally gave Ethiopian immigrants to Israel a DEPOpulation shot
Doctor fuck-ups are the third leading cause of death,
and the other two leading causes of death could be blamed on doctors too.
Isnt it weird how many goof-ups they had, and every single one of their goof-ups furthered a depopulation agenda?
Oops we let COVID out of the lab.
Oops we pushed mask mandates that trapped germs in your face.
Oops we put you on a vent that killed you
Oops we gave you remdesivir that killed you
Oops we accidentally said HCQ wasn’t effective
Oops we accidentally made ivermectin unavailable
Oops we made this fancy new vaccine that kills you slow
Oops we accidentally ram-rodded RvW thru the SCOTUS, and killed 63,000,000 babies
Oops we accidentally gave Ethiopian immigrants to Israel a DEPOpulation shot
Doctor fuck-ups are the third leading cause of death,
and the other two leading causes of death could be blamed on doctors too.
Isnt it weird how many goof-ups they had, and every single one of their goof-ups furthered a depopulation agenda?
Oops we let COVID out of the lab.
Oops we pushed mask mandates that trapped germs in your face.
Oops we put you on a vent that killed you
Oops we gave you remdesivir that killed you
Oops we accidentally said HCQ wasn’t effective
Oops we accidentally made ivermectin unavailable
Oops we made this fancy new vaccine that kills you slow
Oops we accidentally ram-rodded RvW thru the SCOTUS, and killer 63,000,000 babies
Oops we accidentally gave you a DEPOpulation shot
Doctor fuck-ups are the third leading cause of death, and the other two leading causes of death could be blamed on doctors too.