Apparently someone forwarded a WhatsApp message from the Judge to the journalist. The call was interpreted as referring to potential preparation of a military coup to prevent the inauguration of convicted Communist criminal Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as President in January. Judge Augusto Nardes has announced his resignation over the call.
Speaking to Brannon Howse on Frank Speech, Brazilian Journalist Allan Dos Santos said that “the Brazilian military is “just waiting for Bolsonaro to give the order to arrest (Judge Alexandre de) Moraes and restore law and order”. Dos Santos said that Jair Bolsonaro, his son Eduardo and family are “in danger” but the military are “very patriotic and not in the hands of the Communists yet.”
Speaking to Journalist Matthew Tyrmand on War Room, Steve Bannon called the protests in Brazil “the largest pro-democracy protests in history.”
In a voice message published by columnist Mônica Bergamo, Judge Augusto Nardes of the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) allegedly was discussing a military coup with President Jair Bolsonaro. In the recording, Nardes said he has “a lot of information” about “strong movement in the (Army) barracks”. Nardes allegedly said “that (there will be) a very strong outcome in the nation, unpredictable … in a matter of hours, days, at most, a week, two (moar?), maybe less.”
Apparently someone forwarded a WhatsApp message from the Judge to the journalist. The call was interpreted as referring to potential preparation of a military coup to prevent the inauguration of convicted Communist criminal Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as President in January. Judge Augusto Nardes has announced his resignation over the call.
Speaking to Brannon Howse on Frank Speech, Brazilian Journalist Allan Dos Santos said that “the Brazilian military is “just waiting for Bolsonaro to give the order to arrest (Judge Alexandre de) Moraes and restore law and order”. Dos Santos said that Jair Bolsonaro, his son Eduardo and family are “in danger” but the military are “very patriotic and not in the hands of the Communists yet.”
Speaking to Journalist Matthew Tyrmand on War Room, Steve Bannon called the protests in Brazil “the largest pro-democracy protests in history.”
Apparently someone forwarded a WhatsApp message from the Judge to the journalist. The call was interpreted as referring to potential preparation of a military coup to prevent the inauguration of convicted Communist criminal Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as President in January. Judge Augusto Nardes has announced his resignation over the call.