Abraham was a traitor to his own people. He had his own army and was persuaded to leave his own people in Sumer...present day iraq...and the alien in control of Israel ..Yahweh promised him a cut from the spoils of war yahweh was going to visit on many lands...killing everything and everybody..apart from some virgins and gold silver etc..
People who rejected being under the yoke of yahweh ..having to worship him as a god he pretented to be..along with his wife asherah...worshipped another alien which enraged Yahweh....Elyon the head honcho of the aliens apportioned the world into segments and people were free to choose who they would live under.
The aliens nuked millions fighting each other for more territory..nothing has changed.
The story of Moses is the story of akenaten who wanted everyone to worship one god...him...he was an alien too...anyone in power was.
There is no mention of a creator God..creator of all worlds universes galaxies etc in the Bible..only the pretend gods ..the aliens. ?they did not create us..we were already here they messed with our dna. Planted a worship gene even....
Abraham was a traitor to his own people. He had his own army and was persuaded to leave his own people in Sumer...present day iraq...and the alien in control of Israel ..Yahweh promised him a cut from the spoils of war yahweh was going to visit on many lands...killing everything and everybody..apart from some virgins and gold silver etc..
People who rejected being under the yoke of yahweh ..having to worship him as a god he pretented to be..along with his wife asherah...worshipped another alien which enraged Yahweh....Elyon the head honcho not the aliens apportioned the world into segments and people were free to choose who they would live under.
The aliens nuked millions fighting each other for more territory..nothing has changed.
The story of Moses is the story of akenaten who wanted everyone to worship one god...him...he was an alien too...anyone in power was.
There is no mention of a creator God..creator of all worlds universes galaxies etc in the Bible..only the pretend gods ..the aliens. ?they did not create us..we were already here they messed with your dna. Planted a worship gene even....