**We believe we are supporting a group that wants to stop an evil cabal of elitist fucktards from killing a billion ppl for the sake of control and planetary health. We believe many have already been arrested. We believe we are watching a show, yet, for some reason we still see Anons thinking all that is true, but,, yeah,, their allowing a vaxx that was specifically designed by the fucktards to bring in their wildest dreams to do just that.?. Hell No,,, that doesn’t work!
I’m thinking that in the end there will be a lot of Anons that will be taught a lesson about humanity and the great extent white hats went to teach that lesson to them. This experience has taken me to a place where my humanity has been challenged, specifically with some family members. That said, no matter how hard that experience with them has become I do not wish death on a billion ppl, nor do I support letting a billion ppl die for the sake of future generations. That is how the mind of a genocidal maniac thinks, not mine and hopefully not most Anons.
**We believe we are supporting a group that wants to stop an evil cabal of elitist fucktards from killing a billion ppl for the sake of control and planetary health. We believe many have already been arrested. We believe we are watching a show, yet, for some reason we still see Anons thinking all that is true, but,, yeah,, their allowing a vaxx that was specifically designed by the fucktards to bring in their wildest dreams to do just that.?. Hell No,,, that doesn’t work!
I’m thinking that in the end there will be a lot of Anons that will be taught a lesson about humanity and the great extent white hats went to teach that lesson to them. This experience has taken me to a place where my humanity has been challenged, specifically with some family members. That said, no matter how hard that experience with them has become I do not wish death on a billion ppl, nor do I support letting a billion ppl die for the sake of future generations. That is how the mind of a genocidal maniac thinks, not mine and hopefully not most of ours.