Yup, don't say anything with certainty if you can't prove it definitively.
Saying "I think" or "there are rumors of" or "I've heard this and this looks weird but idk" and stuff like that really helps you not look completely insane.
Also, choose wisely who you bring up topics to and when and how. Gradually works well. The Socratic method works well.
Making claims that you believe but cannot definitively prove just makes you look bad if you are trying to convince someone.
Yup, don't say anything with certainty if you can't prove it definitively.
Saying "I think" or "there are rumors of" or "I've heard this and this looks weird but idk" and stuff like that really helps you not look completely insane.
Also, choose wisely who you bring up topics to and when. Gradually works well. The Socratic method works well.
Making claims that you believe but cannot definitively prove just makes you look bad if you are trying to convince someone.
Yup, don't say anything with certainty if you can't prove it definitively.
Saying "I think" or "there are rumors of but no confirmation" or "I've heard this and this looks weird but idk" and stuff like that really helps you not look completely insane.
Also, choose wisely who you bring up topics to and when. Gradually works well. The Socratic method works well.
Making claims that you believe but cannot definitively prove just makes you look bad if you are trying to convince someone.
Yup, don't say anything with certainty if you can't prove it definitively.
Saying "I think" or "there are rumors of but no confirmation" or "I've heard this and this looks weird but idk" and stuff like that really helps you not look completely insane.
Also, choose wisely who you bring up topics to and when. Gradually works well. The Socratic method works well.
Making claims that you believe but cannot definitively prove just makes you look bad.
Yup, don't say anything with certainty if you can't prove it definitively.
Saying "I think" or "there are rumors of but no confirmation" or "I've heard this and this looks weird but idk" and stuff like that really helps you not look completely insane.
Also, choose wisely who you bring up topics to and when. Gradually works well. The Socratic method works well.
Claiming a bunch of stuff that you believe but cannot definitively prove just makes you look bad.
Yup, don't say anything with certainty if you can't prove it definitively.
Saying "I think" or "there are rumors of but no confirmation" or "I've heard this and this looks weird but idk" and stuff like that really helps you not look completely insane.
Also, choose wisely who you bring up topics to and when. Gradually works well. The Socratic method works well.
Claiming a bunch of random stuff that you believe but cannot definitively prove just makes you look bad.