According to our Creator's Nature and it's immutable Laws, natural parents have a every Right to procreate and nurture its offspring in accordance to our Creator's Laws. Self-preservation consists of procreation and survival. These are the two pillars to which all of Nature's Laws rests upon. Survival also includes defense and protecting its young from harm. Each of the Creator's species has an innate mechanism of defense for its survival. Humans most certainly do too. Government is force and often an abusive force. When the courts are not independent of government and representing the rights of people, it becomes a sham and a Kabuki theater adorned with elaborate black robed costumes and dynamic acting from prosecuting shysters. Sometimes it's inevitable to understand the coming outcome and its the duty of the parents to act accordingly.
According to our Creator's Nature and it's immutable Laws, natural parents have a every Right to procreate and nurture its offspring in accordance to our Creator's Laws. Self-preservation consists of procreation and survival. These are the two pillars to which all of Nature's Laws rests upon. Survival also includes defense and protecting its young from harm. Each of the Creator's species has an innate mechanism of defense for its survival. Humans most certainly do too. Government is force and often an abusive force. When the courts are not independent of government and representing the rights of people, it becomes a sham and a Kabuki theater adorned with elaborate black robed costumes and dynamic acting from prosecuting shysters.