buy some GA.W gear:
I can't vouch for how good this will be, but you can get your own GA.W gear, and GA.W gets $0 (and i also get $0), but you can get some potentially cool gear!
i made this by splitting in half, and uploading each 1/2 anonymously to, using the email [email protected] (which i don't own) to get the above links. So if you want to do the same thing, that's how you do it. The image is a bit pixely so i wouldn't buy this until i could get a HQ image source.
buy some GA.W gear:
I can't vouch for how good this will be, but you can get your own GA.W gear, and GA.W gets $0 (and i also get $0), but you can get some potentially cool gear!
i made this by splitting in half, and uploading each 1/2 anonymously to, using the email [email protected] (which i don't own) to get the above links. So if you want to do the same thing, that's how you do it
buy some GA.W gear:
I can't vouch for how good this will be, but you can get your own GA.W gear, and GA.W gets $0 (and i also get $0), but you can get some potentially cool gear!
i made this by splitting in half, and uploading each 1/2 anonymously to, using the email [email protected] to get the above links. So if you want to do the same thing, that's how you do it
buy some GA.W gear:
I can't vouch for how good this will be, but you can get your own GA.W gear, and GA.W gets $0 (and i also get $0), but you can get some potentially cool gear!
i made this anonymously with the email [email protected]