"This was a copy/pasta which is why you can’t : won’t explain it"
It's my original work. I made this entire post from scratch. The red boxes explain it very well. But if it's not connecting with you, then do the rational thing and just move onto posts that do connect. A lot of people had the same reaction to the Q post above I highlighted where Q showed the "Corney" stuff. They couldn't "get" it and wanted Q to "explain it better".
If it doesn't make sense, then move on or dig deeper.
And why are you trying to name call and make things personal?
"on to save face while not making an arse of yourself while proving your ignorance with what you say"
It doesn't seem like your intentions are good at all. You try to start a fight and whine that you don't get something and I'm a jerk if I don't make it easy for you to understand.
That might just be your problem. I didn't get Q deltas at all when I first saw them. I didn't get a lot of anons research when I first saw it. Everyone has their own style. I didn't demand they cater to my sensibilities. I just took the time to dig and research and better understand what they meant.
I certainly didn't complain that "it's their fault I don't get this". It was my job to do my research. I suggest you do yours.
"This was a copy/pasta which is why you can’t : won’t explain it"
It's my original work. I made this entire post from scratch. The red boxes explain it very well. But if it's not connecting with you, then do the rational thing and just move onto posts that do connect. A lot of people had the same reaction to the Q post above I highlighted where Q showed the "Corney" stuff. They couldn't "get" it and wanted Q to "explain it better".
If it doesn't make sense, then move on or dig deeper.
And why are you trying to name call and make things personal?
"on to save face while not making an arse of yourself while proving your ignorance with what you say"
It doesn't seem like your intentions are good at all. You try to start a fight and whine that you don't get something and I'm a jerk if I don't make it easy for you to understand.
That might just be your problem. I didn't get Q deltas at all when I first saw them. I didn't get a lot of anons research when I first saw it. Everyone has their own style. I didn't demand they cater to my sensibilities. I just took the time to dig and research and better understand what they meant.
I certainly try to complain that "it's their fault I don't get this". It was my job to do my research. I suggest you do yours.