Wow...sorry that's too complicated for me to understand...
Would you agree that the pineal gland...the third where divine guidance comes from..(impressions too maybe?) The pineal gland is shaped lik a fir cone...on the popes staff..all over the Vatican..priests robes cough cough ..ancient artifacts..
Is this why it's under attack? Fluoride coats it ..look at autopsies photos...all the zombie films..people shuffling along. They do love to laugh at us....
.....all the aluminium in vaxx..passes the blood brain barrier ...this is the coating on the pineal gland. They vaxx day old babies which is why I bang on about no such thing as a virus..germ theory..their idea ..need to vaxx us ...coat the pineal gland
We know consciousness doesn't come from the brain..
I don't think musk was being poetic...he was telling us something...
Ps. Are impressions..which gurdjieff said we needed every second and without which we would die in a minute..are they part of consciousness or separate to it.
Remembered gurdjieff spoke of long hair capturing that in the aether has a lot to learn what the ancients knew about the aether
Wow...sorry that's too complicated for me to understand...
Would you agree that the pineal gland...the third where divine guidance comes from..(impressions too maybe?) The pineal gland is shaped lik a fir cone...on the popes staff..all over the Vatican..priests robes cough cough ..ancient artifacts..
Is this why it's under attack? Fluoride coats it ..look at autopsies photos...all the zombie films..people shuffling along. They do love to laugh at us....
.....all the aluminium in vaxx..passes the blood brain barrier ...this is the coating on the pineal gland. They vaxx day old babies which is why I bang on about no such thing as a virus..germ theory..their idea ..need to vaxx us ...coat the pineal gland
We know consciousness doesn't come from the brain..
I don't think musk was being poetic...he was telling us something...