... reinfoeced by the MSM that only show that side in any of their news items and where else do people get their information on Trump from? ... I started down the rabbit hole in 2016 when Trump defeated Hillary. I thought then that Trump was an idiot, because that was all I had heard
THIS is the problem.
These people are NOT coming to this conclusion independently. They are hit with message after message about "Trump bad" by people in politics and media who hate Trump because he is showing everyone what the swamp is really all about -- and they ARE the swamp.
These messages are nothing but marketing. Every advertising expert knows that if you hit someone with a message, on average 7 times, they will start to hear it and possibly believe it. It is the "Big Lie" concept that Goebbels was talking about when he was pointing out that the British used this concept against their own people -- he was not talking about Germans, but about the English, and especially Churchill, who was a fat, lazy, cowardly liar.
This is why you have to punch through the indoctrination to get them to realize they ARE indoctrinated. They are ONLY looking at the surface and not the substance of ideas.
I disagree with Trump on a few things. But those few things I disagree with him on, I ALSO disagree with every OTHER politician because they ALSO go along with the bullshit (vaccines, Covid, Israel, budget deficit spending).
There is NO politician out there taking a truthful stance on these issues. But on every other issue, Trump is the best. AND he is most likely to get things done when he returns -- or at least, I can't seen anyone else who is better.
I don't give a fuck about his mean tweets.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."
Seems like that long-held American belief is lost on the current safe space culture.
... reinfoeced by the MSM that only show that side in any of their news items and where else do people get their information on Trump from? ... I started down the rabbit hole in 2016 when Trump defeated Hillary. I thought then that Trump was an idiot, because that was all I had heard
THIS is the problem.
These people are NOT coming to this conclusion independently. They are hit with message after message about "Trump bad" by people in politics and media who hate Trump because he is showing everyone what the swamp is really all about -- and they ARE the swamp.
These messages are nothing but marketing. Every advertising expert knows that if you hit someone with a message, on average 7 times, they will start to hear it and possibly believe it. It is the "Big Lie" concept (that Goebbels was talking about when he was pointing out that the British used this concept against their own people -- he was not talking about Germans, but about the English, and especially Churchill, who was a fat, lazy, cowardly liar).
This is why you have to punch through the indoctrination to get them to realize they ARE indoctrinated. They are ONLY looking at the surface and not the substance of ideas.
I disagree with Trump on a few things. But those few things I disagree with him on, I ALSO disagree with every OTHER politician because they ALSO go along with the bullshit (vaccines, Covid, Israel, budget deficit spending).
There is NO politician out there taking a truthful stance on these issues. But on every other issue, Trump is the best. AND he is most likely to get things done when he returns -- or at least, I can't seen anyone else who is better.
I don't give a fuck about his mean tweets.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."
Seems like that long-held American belief is lost on the current safe space culture.