well said. I have been asking this question: Why do people read the bible and either see the end as far in the future or unfolding before our eyes? On one hand it seems many signs are too massive and strange to happen any time soon. On another hand the Fourth Beast is clearly establishing its world dominance.
I think this is because most people are overlooking the wilderness period that is coming. Look at Hosea 2: The woman goes into the wilderness and is comforted by God for a time (3.5 years?) and during this time there is a purification that must occur. This is a reflection of the wilderness time of the Exodus.
That Fourth Beast is trampling people already. I'd say the Pale horse is already riding. Jesus talks about the tribulation time as a time like never before or ever will be again. Yet he also likens it to the "days of Noah" when people are living oblivious about the coming judgement.
Much of the world scale events described in Rev happen in a delusional clown world that is fully depending on the Beast - except for those who reject the Beast and flee into the wilderness.
We are in a time like never before. Think Tower of Babel. The language barrier is gone. All the past signs of the end times were valid (in the prophetic timeline of thousand year days) but the moment we are entering into is unlike any before.
well said. I have been asking this question: Why do people read the bible and either see the end as far in the future or unfolding before our eyes? On one hand it seems many signs are too massive and strange to happen any time soon. On another hand the Fourth Beast is clearly establishing its world dominance.
I think this is because most people are overlooking the wilderness period that is coming. Look at Hosea 2: The woman goes into the wilderness and is comforted by God for a time (3.5 years?) and during this time there is a purification that must occur. This is a reflection of the wilderness time of the Exodus.
That Fourth Beast is trampling people already. I'd say the Pale horse is already riding. Jesus talks about the tribulation time as a time like never before or ever will be again. Yet he also likens it to the "days of Noah" when people are living oblivious about the coming judgement.
Much of the world scale events described in Rev happen in a delusional clown world that is fully depending of the Beast - except for those who reject the Beast and flee into the wilderness.
We are in a time like never before. Think Tower of Bebel. The language barrier is gone. All the past signs of the end times were valid (in the prophetic timeline of thousand year days) but the moment we are entering into is unlike any before.