If you want healing music, try classical. I’m serious. This will get you started. I was into country, metal but it was making anxiety much worse. It will energize you. It will take you places. It will calm and heal you. Trust me. 17.22 mins
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E9PiL5icwic (I feel like this should be a GAW anthem- starts out with individual musical voices, highlighting almost every modern orchestral instrument, steady, repetitive, but building to something magnificent in the end. The crescendo.)
And this is the Simón Bolívar Venezuelan youth orchestra before their country went to complete shit. I listen to this about once a week. You’ll see why.
If you want healing music, try classical. I’m serious. This will get you started. I was into country, metal but it was making anxiety much worse. It will energize you. Trust me. 17.22 mins
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E9PiL5icwic (I feel like this should be a GAW anthem- starts out with individual musical voices, highlighting almost every modern orchestral instrument, steady, repetitive, but building to something magnificent in the end. The crescendo.)
And this is the Simón Bolívar Venezuelan youth orchestra before their country went to complete shit. I listen to this about once a week. You’ll see why.
If you want healing music, try classical. I’m serious. This will get you started. I was into country, metal but it was making anxiety much worse. It will energize you. Trust me. 17.22 mins