I think FTX knowledge could definitely help to redpill our friends and family. They might not care, though, cuz they think, "Anything, including crimes, is celebrated if it stops MAGA people and Trump. We have to save our democracy!".
My favorite way to redpill (cuz it matters to them personally) is to show the two studies Fauci quoted as being the reason he pushed Remdesivir. The ebola study in 2019 said 51% of the participants given Remdesivir died, so the drug was pulled before the study ended. The other study was done by Gilead, who owns Remdesivir, so it is invalid. Even that truth alone can lead them to distrust everything else. Secondly, the FDA docs on Remdesivir show it can cause kidney failure, which can make the lungs fill with fluid. So, those two facts lead to the conclusion that many hospital deaths could have been caused by Remdesivir, not covid. Because many normies lost hospitalized loved ones who were given Remdesivir, they may just have enough skin in the game to wake up and get angry.
Then I show the FDA doc saying Ivermectin is "tolerated well"...and quote some studies about how well it works to stop viruses from bonding with the nucleus, thus making covid sufferers healthy quickly and less contagious.
If they say it is "horse dewormer", I show them that Ivermectin is on the WHO's list of Essential Medicines and expose the fake article in Oklahoma, on which the news reported, where supposedly people wearing winter coats were lined up outside the emergency room in August after treating themselves with "horse dewormer". Then, I ask when in history doctors were prevented from treating patients early in an illness with a drug that works...and why the news needed to lie about that Oklahoma report.
Then I tell them about people I personally connected with docs who would prescribe Ivermectin and pharmacies who filled the scripts, resulting in their lives being saved. ..even when they were already in the hospital on the verge of being intubated. I work in the medical field, so they believe me.
These trues really can piss them off...and wake them up .
I think FTX knowledge could definitely help to redpill our friends and family. They might not care, though, cuz they think, "Anything is celebrated if it stops MAGA people and Trump. We have to save our democracy!".
My favorite way to redpill (cuz it matters to them personally) is to show the two studies Fauci quoted as being the reason he pushed Remdesivir. The ebola study in 2019 said 51% of the participants given Remdesivir died, so the drug was pulled before the study ended. The other study was done by Gilead, who owns Remdesivir, so it is invalid. Even that truth alone can lead them to distrust everything else. Secondly, the FDA docs on Remdesivir show it can cause kidney failure, which can make the lungs fill with fluid. So, those two facts lead to the conclusion that many hospital deaths could have been caused by Remdesivir, not covid. Because many normies lost hospitalized loved ones who were given Remdesivir, they may just have enough skin in the game to wake up and get angry.
Then I show the FDA doc saying Ivermectin is "tolerated well"...and quote some studies about how well it works to stop viruses from bonding with the nucleus, thus making covid sufferers healthy quickly and less contagious.
If they say it is "horse dewormer", I show them that Ivermectin is on the WHO's list of Essential Medicines and expose the fake article in Oklahoma, on which the news reported, where supposedly people wearing winter coats were lined up outside the emergency room in August after treating themselves with "horse dewormer". Then, I ask when in history doctors were prevented from treating patients early in an illness with a drug that works...and why the news needed to lie about that Oklahoma report.
Then I tell them about people I personally connected with docs who would prescribe Ivermectin and pharmacies who filled the scripts, resulting in their lives being saved. ..even when they were already in the hospital on the verge of being intubated. I work in the medical field, so they believe me.
These trues really can piss them off...and wake them up .