So does this mean that Old Norse religions are still relevant because we named some days of the week after Norse gods?
Tuesday=Tiw's Day Wednesday = Woden's (Odin) Day Thursday = Thor's Day Friday= Frig's Day
I think those are the corresponding gods. It's been awhile since I've read about it.
Or maybe the old Roman gods are still relevant, because of the months that are named after Roman gods. Janus=January. Mars=March, Februus (Roman festival)=February.
July and August are named after Ceasers, I think.
So does this mean that Old Norse religions are still relevant because we named some days of the week after Norse gods?
Tuesday=Tiw's Day Wednesday = Woden's (Odin) Day Thursday = Thor's Day Friday= Frig's Day
I think those are the corresponding gods. It's been awhile since I've read about it.
Or maybe the old Roman gods are still relevant, because of the months that are named after Roman gods. Janus=January. Mars=March, Februus (Roman festival)=February.
July and August are named after Ceasers, I think. And the rest are based on the numbers (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec/9, 10,11,12).
So does this mean that Old Norse religions are still relevant because we named some days of the week after Norse gods?
Tuesday=Twigg's Day Wednesday = Woden's (Odin) Day Thursday = Thor's Day Friday= Frig's Day
I think those are the corresponding gods. It's been awhile since I've read about it.
Or maybe the old Roman gods are still relevant, because of the months that are named after Roman gods. Janus=January. Mars=March, Februus (Roman festival)=February.
July and August are named after Ceasers, I think. And the rest are based on the numbers (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec/9, 10,11,12).