You obviously have not been paying attention. Why do you think NATO/Pentagon are using Ukraine as the proxy against Russia? How many countries have been invaded under a perceived threat? Weapons of mass destruction?? Gaddafi when he announced he was putting the country back on a gold standard? Are you aware that many, many terrorist organisations have been formed before there is a regime change? ISIS. Al-Qaeda. Kurds. Ever seen the pictures of John McCann and Lindsay Graham meeting with ISIS? And let me remind you - AZOV Battalion, a Nazi regime that are fighting WITHIN the Ukraine military. Look up when they were formed and just who financed them. They were formed and financed in 2015 when the Minsk Agreements were trashed by Germany, France and Ukraine. In fact Merkel said so only this week. and up until the SMO on 24 February 2022, 16,000 Russian speaking civilians in the Donbas regions were murdered by them. It’s not the West’s job to be the policemen of the world. We are talking about invading sovereign nations! What would we think if our nations were invaded because they didn’t like our way of life? But it’s happening across the world. Look at YEMEN right now. A genocide is happening!!! Look at Haiti. Look at Brazil. etc.
Why do you think Putin evacuated these people out of this area into Russia? Because those civilians when they told their stories back at the beginning of the SMO, were tracked down by AZOV and murdered. If you watched any of Patrick Lancaster videos around March April, you would hear it from their own mouths! The pictures and videos of murdered civilians, including children that had been executed by AZOV were horrendous. Those pictures the world saw of bombed out buildings, bodies etc., were NOT photographed in Kyiv but in the Donbas. Listen to the Doctors, the teachers, preschool teachers etc.,in the Donbas areas of what happened!
One day AZOV came into an area and told the civilians to evacuate to School 347 (their schools use a numbering system, not names) and many fled there. That night 50 odd civilians that took AZOV word, died as the Ukraine/AZOV battalions fired missiles on just that school and reduced it to rubble. I care not what you think. But by highlighting these war crimes to others that read this post might help people understand that REGIME CHANGE of government by sitting Presidents going back to Bush Snr is just one way the Military Industrial Complex is fed and the West (mainly the US) pilfer an invaded country. We may not like it, but when the same tactics are used over and over again not just in the ME but worldwide, then you have proof. This time the warmongers have net their match in Putin.
This planning to put NATO (USA) bases up against Russia was planned after the fall of the Soviet Union - its not new! Many, many US politicians have installed their children on the boards of energy companies in Ukraine. Ukraine is a honeypot of corruption and the most corrupt nation in Europe by far and possibly the world. Obama put Zelensky in AFTER a regime change.
We have passed the point where we need to realise there are evil/bad/corrupt Generals in the Pentagon spewing lies about how Ukraine is winning. They’re not. Their weapons are no match for Russia’s. Ukraine’s military has been decimated and it’s being reported that up to 1,000 Ukraine/foreign mercenaries (including Americans) are being liquidated per day. Russia has used ONLY 20% of their military and are using old stock of soviet weapons. The new weapons haven’t been seen yet, but they might be soon. At present around 600,000+ Russian troops have been assembled along areas and are waiting instructions. They are armed to the hilt, have access to fuel for their tanks and other equipment. They are winter ready and their love of country brings a resolve and a commitment that the Nazis cannot match.
We are about to witness the end of Ukraine and when this is over, Ukraine will be reduced to rubble, landlocked and Zelensky will either flee or be executed by the AZOV. If those involved in the Minsk Accords way back in 2015 had of honoured this Accord, then the conflict would not have eventuated. But warmongers do not change their spots. Governments worldwide are watching this play out and can see that THEY could be next if they don’t obey the will of the West. Why do you think many countries are rushing to join BRICS? The petrodollar is done. The collapse of the world monetary system is well underway. Those BRICS nations will come thru it and thrive while the West becomes 3rd world hellholes. This winter in Europe will be bad but nothing compared to next winter. And we have done this all to ourselves. We only get the politicians we deserve.
GO TO REDACTED - Colonel Douglas MacGregor 36minute mark.
You obviously have not been paying attention. Why do you think NATO/Pentagon are using Ukraine as the proxy against Russia? How many countries have been invaded under a perceived threat? Weapons of mass destruction?? Gaddafi when he announced he was putting the country back on a gold standard? Are you aware that many, many terrorist organisations have been formed before there is a regime change? ISIS. Al-Qaeda. Kurds. Ever seen the pictures of John McCann and Lindsay Graham meeting with ISIS? And let me remind you - AZOV Battalion, a Nazi regime that are fighting WITHIN the Ukraine military. Look up when they were formed and just who financed them. They were formed and financed in 2015 when the Minsk Agreements were trashed by Germany, France and Ukraine. In fact Merkel said so only this week. and up until the SMO on 24 February 2022, 16,000 Russian speaking civilians in the Donbas regions were murdered by them. It’s not the West’s job to be the policemen of the world. We are talking about invading sovereign nations! What would we think if our nations were invaded because they didn’t like our way of life? But it’s happening across the world. Look at YEMEN right now. A genocide is happening!!! Look at Haiti. Look at Brazil. etc.
Why do you think Putin evacuated these people out of this area into Russia? Because those civilians when they told their stories back at the beginning of the SMO, were tracked down by AZOV and murdered. If you watched any of Patrick Lancaster videos around March April, you would hear it from their own mouths! The pictures and videos of murdered civilians, including children that had been executed by AZOV were horrendous. Those pictures the world saw of bombed out buildings, bodies etc., were NOT photographed in Kyiv but in the Donbas. Listen to the Doctors, the teachers, preschool teachers etc.,in the Donbas areas of what happened!
One day AZOV came into an area and told the civilians to evacuate to School 347 (their schools use a numbering system, not names) and many fled there. That night 50 odd civilians that took AZOV word, died as the Ukraine/AZOV battalions fired missiles on just that school and reduced it to rubble. I care not what you think. But by highlighting these war crimes to others that read this post might help people understand that REGIME CHANGE of government by sitting Presidents going back to Bush Snr is just one way the Military Industrial Complex is fed and the West (mainly the US) pilfer an invaded country. We may not like it, but when the same tactics are used over and over again not just in the ME but worldwide, then you have proof. This time the warmongers have net their match in Putin.
This planning to put NATO (USA) bases up against Russia was planned after the fall of the Soviet Union - its not new! Many, many US politicians have installed their children on the boards of energy companies in Ukraine. Ukraine is a honeypot of corruption and the most corrupt nation in Europe by far and possibly the world. Obama put Zelensky in AFTER a regime change.
We have passed the point where we need to realise there are evil/bad/corrupt Generals in the Pentagon spewing lies about how Ukraine is winning. They’re not. Their weapons are no match for Russia’s. Ukraine’s military has been decimated and it’s being reported that up to 1,000 Ukraine/foreign mercenaries (including Americans) are being liquidated per day. Russia has used ONLY 20% of their military and are using old stock of soviet weapons. The new weapons haven’t been seen yet, but they might be soon. At present around 600,000+ Russian troops have been assembled along areas and are waiting instructions. They are armed to the hilt, have access to fuel for their tanks and other equipment. They are winter ready and their love of country brings a resolve and a commitment that the Nazis cannot match.
We are about to witness the end of Ukraine and when this is over, Ukraine will be reduced to rubble, landlocked and Zelensky will either flee or be executed by the AZOV. If those involved in the Minsk Accords way back in 2015 had of honoured this Accord, then the conflict would not have eventuated. But warmongers do not change their spots. Governments worldwide are watching this play out and can see that THEY could be next if they don’t obey the will of the West. Why do you think many countries are rushing to join BRICS? The petrodollar is done. The collapse of the world monetary system is well underway. Those BRICS nations will come thru it and thrive while the West becomes 3rd world hellholes. This winter in Europe will be bad but nothing compared to next winter. And we have done this all to ourselves. We only get the politicians we deserve.