Oh no, Im not suggesting he is scamming anyone.
People are completely capable scam themselves. This may yet be another type of personal pain normies will bear though, sure.
Most anons refused the jab outright and still do. Same as most anons wouldn't pay for this crap if you asked them. But, those not awake may certainly feel the pangs of subliminal pressure and do so. In turn, whatever effect will occur due to the cause.
Will this shed light on more economic and financial institution corruption?
Does hitting one's pocketbook personally tend to have effects?
Those maleffected, will they go through the stages? Denial, anger, acceptance, etc?
The hypotheticals are endless. Another anon found an interesting bit of data in the NFT files themselves. Q lingo hidden in the file stringers. So it could simply be more innoculous hat tipping. But, as with 45 and any moves he makes (Seemingly good or bad) there are multiple desired outcomes and scenarios. I think this is the route the research will take us. Find the forest for the trees.
Another anon also said it best: "72 Hour Rule folks!" Guess we'll see when we're supposed to see.
Oh no, Im not suggesting he is scamming anyone.
People scam themselves. This may yet be another type of personal pain normies will bear though, sure.
Most anons refused the jab outright and still do. Same as most anons wouldn't pay for this crap if you asked them. But, those not awake may certainly feel the pangs of subliminal pressure and do so. In turn, whatever effect will occur due to the cause.
Will this shed light on more economic and financial institution corruption?
Does hitting one's pocketbook personally tend to have effects?
Those maleffected, will they go through the stages? Denial, anger, acceptance, etc?
The hypotheticals are endless. Another anon found an interesting bit of data in the NFT files themselves. Q lingo hidden in the file stringers. So it could simply be more innoculous hat tipping. But, as with 45 and any moves he makes (Seemingly good or bad) there are multiple desired outcomes and scenarios.
Another anon also said it best: "72 Hour Rule folks!" Guess we'll see when we're supposed to see.