Thank you. I try to stay focused, we are playing the long game here. I don't look to deltas to predict the future, but instead look at them as confirmation once something happens. I sometimes just sit here and watch as everyone just flocks from one shiny object to the next, knowing that if I say anything I will get jumped on so I just let it go. Meanwhile I try to focus on the coms and lately I have been paying attention to Kanye, Adidas, and Balenciaga. I read this guys stuff a lot. I don't listen to any podcasts outside of Steve Turley and Salty cracker. I just figure I will watch and pay attention and make up my own mind on things.
Thank you. I try to stay focused, we are playing the long game here. I don't look to deltas to predict the future, but instead look at them as confirmation once something happens. I sometimes just sit here and watch as everyone just flocks from one shiny object to the next, knowing that if I say anything I will get jumped on so I just let it go. Meanwhile I try to focus on the coms and lately I have been paying attention to Kanye, Adidas, and Balenciaga.