Interesting: I had a mild dose a while back. I am not vaxxed but am starting to think the spike proteins from vaxxed people must have some effect. My taste has also changed, hope I've not developed dairy intolerance. For a while now my tongue feels like its been burnt and plasticised.
Interesting: I had a mild dose a while back. I am not vaxxed but am starting to think the spike proteis from vaxxed people must have some effect. My taste has also changed, hope I've not developed dairy intolerance. For a while now my tongue feels like its been burnt and plasticised.
Interesting: I had a mild dose a while back. I am not vaxxed but am starting to think the spike proteis from vaxxed people must have some effect. My taste has also changed, starting to wonder if I've developed dairy intolerance. For a while now my tongue feels like its been burnt and plasticised.