Yes. Another level of the corruption, but I don’t have enough sauce yet to file lawsuits over the 1871 Trust II establishment of Admiralty Law jurisdiction over all Federal Lands and property via Washington DC Corporation. This was effectively collateralization of Federal property for debt owed to International Bankers after 1861 Fed gov’t bankruptcy #2. Bankruptcy #1 was in 1791, and #3 was 1931, with #4 on 9-11-2001, and #5 (suspected) on 9-11-21.
Yes. Another level of the corruption, but I don’t enough sauce yet to file lawsuits over the 1871 Trust II establishment of Admiralty Law jurisdiction over all Federal Lands and property via Washington DC Corporation. This was effectively collateralization of Federal property for debt owed to International Bankers after 1861 Fed gov’t bankruptcy #2. Bankruptcy #1 was in 1791, and #3 was 1931, with #4 on 9-11-2001, and #5 (suspected) on 9-11-21.