Yes, the type 3 diabetes thing is gaining ground. My mother was a hardened fan of sugary treats and beer, especially in the evening. She died of cancer, but showed signs of Alzheimer's in the end as well. Refused to give up hands-full of fudge. HAd jars of it in the freezer and on shelves.
Excellent, re Keto: I am in the fruit and vegetables are asshoe, type of Keto. AKA carnivore. I did go through a Keto phase, but it just made me ill. First it was grains, then potatoes, then carrots, then onions. At first I thought it might be sprays. By the time I was down to only lettuce or cabbage (the latter gave me a stomach ache), It was easy to give up all of it.
Yes, te type 3 diabetes thing is gaining ground. Excellent, re Keto: I am in the fruit and vegetables are asshoe, type of Keto. AKA carnivore. I did go through the Keto phase, but it just made me ill.