Sometimes when I watch Salty Cracker and he does that comic sound effect of a phone dialing 'boo - ber - boo - ber - boo - ber - boop' I wish he'd use that catchphrase more, but when I hear him use the words 'on accident' (as he's used in the twitter post above) I really wish he'd use that catchphrase less. I wish he'd say 'by accident' instead of 'on accident'.
Sometimes when I watch Salty Cracker and he does that comic sound effect of a phone dialing 'boo - ber - boo - ber - boo - ber - boop' I wish he'd use that catchphrase more, but when I hear him use the words 'on accident' (as he's used in the twitter post above) I really wish he'd use that catchphrase less. Maybe he could mix it up and say 'by accident' instead.