Had Trump been President, he would never have signed this disgraceful bill, nor would billions be going to Ukraine. That is why the puppet in Chief needed to be installed, so all the fake politicians could get their cut of the pie. Of course by the votes in 2020 he is President, but not in the “normal” sense. Biden is a fake a President: fake inauguration, funeral salute by military, not acknowledged as Commander in Chief by the troops, fake White House movie sets being used. I don’t hold out a lot of hope regarding the SC ruling, because I believe some justices are very corrupt. But if the SC rules favorably for Brunson, that certainly might precipitate a cataclysmic chain reaction: illegal President & VP, illegal Congress, illegal SC justice, illegal bills viaCongress, illegal local elections, etc. one can hope and pray that the SC, for once, seeks true justice via their decision/ruling.
Had Trump been President, he would never have signed this disgraceful bill, nor would billions be going to Ukraine. That is why the puppet in Chief needed to be installed, so all the fake politicians could get their cut of the pie. Of course by the votes in 2020 he is President, but not in the “normal” sense. Biden is a fake a President: fake inauguration, funeral salute by military, not acknowledged as Commander in Chief by the troops, fake White House movie sets being used.
Had Trump been President, he would never have signed this disgraceful bill, nor would billions be going to Ukraine. That is why the puppet in Chief needed to be installed, so all the fake politicians could get their cut of the pie.
Had a Trump been President, he would never have signed this disgraceful bill, nor would billions be going to Ukraine. That is why the puppet in Chief needed to be installed, so all the fake politicians could get their cut of the pie.