On the 21st I had what felt like a demonic attack. It felt like pure dread and death. I quickly grabbed all the Bibles I had in the home and put them in all rooms, fell to my knees and prayed. I began praying in tongues, which I have never done, believed in, or know how to do, I still don't know how to do it even after doing it. I always thought it was nonsense. After praying the dread and doom began to ease, it made it hard for me to breath and think. I believe that it was the demon I cast out the night of the 25th. It knew I was going to win through Christ. It was terrifying, I felt like the world was about to end.
On the 21st I had what felt like a demonic attack. It felt like pure dread and death. I quickly grabbed all the Bibles I had in the home and put them in all rooms, fell to my knees and prayed. I began praying in tongues, which I have never done, believed in, or know how to do, I still don't know how to do it even after doing it. I always thought it was nonsense. After praying the dread and doom began to ease, it made it hard for me to breath and think. I believe that it was the demon I cast out the night of the 25th. It knew I was going to win through Christ. It was terrifying, I felt like the world was about to end.
On the 21st I had what felt like a demonic attack. It felt like pure dread and death. I quickly grabbed all the Bibles I had in the home and put them in all rooms, fell to my knees and prayed. I began praying in tongues, which I have never done, believed in, or know how to do, I still don't know how to do it even after doing it. I always thought it was nonsense. After whatever praying it began the dread and doom began to ease, it made it hard for me to breath and think. I believe that it was the demon I cast out the night of the 25th. It knew I was going to win through Christ. It was terrifying, I felt like the world was about to end.