It's not so simple as this. The Rothschild's aggression to establish an absolute monopoly of the Fractional Reserve Banking System [over the world] has been waging for over a century. Every nation that ever resisted the Rothschild national bank was overthrown. Russia's Bolshevik revolution was funded straight out of Brooklyn NY along with Rothschild money. Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein found this out. Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln also knew and learned this. Every war pretty much since the last 400 years is a Rothschild war. China's cultural revolution and Mao Zedong's funding was from the Rothschilds. Communist China's fist national bank was/is a Rothschild bank.
It is more correct to say the conflicts we are seeing are based on BRICS versus Rothschild banking systems. Yes, one is unipolar and the other is multipolar. The conflicts are trying to prevent BRICS from getting traction. This is the reason President Jair Bolsonaro was overthrown. This is why Russia is being demonized and Ukraine being used as a proxy to war with Russia. This is why Trump was overthrown. Trump believed in a multipolar world.
It's not so simple as this. The Rothschild's aggression to establish an absolute monopoly of the Fractional Reserve Banking System [over the world] has been waging for over a century. Every nation that ever resisted the Rothschild national bank was overthrown. Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein found this out. Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln also knew and learned this. Every war pretty much since the last 400 years is a Rothschild war. China's cultural revolution and Mao Zedong's funding was from the Rothschilds. Communist China's fist national bank was/is a Rothschild bank.
It is more correct to say the conflicts we are seeing are based on BRICS versus Rothschild banking systems. Yes, one is unipolar and the other is multipolar. The conflicts are trying to prevent BRICS from getting traction. This is the reason President Jair Bolsonaro was overthrown. This is why Russia is being demonized and Ukraine being used as a proxy to war with Russia. This is why Trump was overthrown. Trump believed in a multipolar world.
Not quite. The Rothschild's aggression to establish an absolute monopoly of the Fractional Reserve Banking System has been waging for over a century. Every nation that ever resisted the Rothschild national bank was overthrown. Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein found this out. Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln also knew and learned this. Every war since the last 400 years is a Rothschild war.
It is more correct to say the conflicts we are seeing are based on BRICS versus Rothschild banking systems. Yes, one is unipolar and the other is multipolar. The conflicts are trying to prevent BRICS from getting traction. This is the reason President Jair Bolsonaro was overthrown. This is why Russia is being demonized and Ukraine being used as a proxy to war with Russia. This is why Trump was overthrown. Trump believed in a multipolar world.