Unethical evil always triumphs over ethical good boys because it is ready to kill whereas good hesitates to do what is vitally necessary. Demons will always win over Boy Scouts. Taking over public buildings is mere image. They should have taken over the armories. The masses have mere emotion and it feels good, but the reality is it takes brains and force to win. So Lula will crush the rebellious, this is not a Star Wars feel good movie.
Unethical evil always triumphs over ethical good boys because it is ready to kill whereas good hesitates to do what is vitally necessary. Demons will always win over Boy Scouts. Taking over public buildings is mere image. They should have taken over the armories. The masses have mere emotion and feels good, but it takes brains and force to win. So Lula will crush the rebellious, this is not a Star Wars feel good movie.
Unethical evil always triumphs over ethical good boys because it is ready to kill whereas good hesitates to do what is vitally necessary. Demons will always win over Boy Scouts. Taking over public buildings is mere image. They should have taken over the armories. The masses have mere emotion and feels good, but it takes brains and force to win. So Lula will crush the rebellions, this is not a Star Wars feel good movie.
Unethical evil always triumphs over ethical good boys because it is ready to kill whereas good hesitates to do what is vitally necessary. Demons will always win over Boy Scouts. Taking over public buildings is mere image. They should have taken over the armories. The masses have mere emotion but it takes brains and force to win.
Unethical evil always triumphs over ethical good boys because it is ready to kill whereas good hesitates to do what is vitally necessary. Demons will always win over Boy Scouts.