Any others noticed a difference in groceries and gas? Before I left Texas I noticed gas is now 10% ethanol at HEB and HEB stores changed their suppliers again. Prices rose over 200% on some of the pet food.
Edit, for context. Last I saw prices and suppliers rise and change that frequent/significant was during the great toilet paper purge.
Any others noticed a difference in groceries and gas? Before I left Texas I noticed gas is now 10% ethanol at HEB and HEB stores changed their suppliers again. Prices rose over 200% on some of the pet food.
Edit, for context. Last I saw prices and suppliers change that frequent was during the great toilet paper purge.
Any others noticed a difference in groceries and gas? Before I left Texas I noticed gas is now 10% ethanol at HEB and HEB stores changed their suppliers again. Prices rose over 200% on some of the pet food.