I am a business owner who buys precious metals direct from China.
The previous hikes have been hurting our industry, and now with this news we are planning our exit.
We will be one of the last open, thanks to preparations.
However, it looks like someone just bought a bunch of metal.
Just based on math, looks like 97% of the market was just redirected, bought or otherwise segregated for Stainless Steel.
That's not just good for war machines, but also what we would offer to clients looking to save. Since that's most of them these days, it's not a good sign.
Titanium is double. So our gold customers were buying Titanium because gold was now out of their reach.
Gold customers won't be happy buying Stainless Steel.
Diamonds barely moving.
Our original Stainless Customers are already gone from the last price hike.
I am a business owner who buys precious metals direct from China.
It's been hurting our industry, and now with this news we are planning our exit.
We will be one of the last open, thanks to preparations.
However, it looks like someone just bought a bunch of metal.
Just based on math, looks like 97% of the market was just redirected, bought or otherwise segregated for Stainless Steel.
That's not just good for war machines, but also what we would offer to clients looking to save. Since that's most of them these days, it's not a good sign.
Titanium is double. So our gold customers were buying Titanium because gold was now out of their reach.
Gold customers won't be happy buying Stainless Steel.
Diamonds barely moving.
Our original Stainless Customers are already gone from the last price hike.
I am a business owner who buys precious metals direct from China.
It's been hurting our industry and now we are planning our exit. We will be one of the last open, thanks to preparations.