FALSE 'exposure' as final card play to consolidate power through terrorism.
Asteroid was supposed to be in there somewhere also.
Aliens as 'common enemy' to fight as worldwide psyop.
"Blue is the suede that mows the harvest."
Translation from 'Mars Attacks',
in the scene where the duped run out to meet-and-greet their newfound 'friends'.
See Spartacus psyop. What is YOUR allegiance to the 'Hidden Force of destruction of the entire world'?
Friend or foe
The answer determines the future, with or without real aliens.
Again, the 'mighty have fallen' and we're left with aliens who would be gods.
FALSE 'exposure' as final card play to consolidate power through terrorism.
Asteroid was supposed to be in there somewhere also.
Aliens as 'common enemy' to fight as worldwide psyop.
"Blue is the suede that mows the harvest."
Translation from 'Mars Attacks',
in the scene where the duped run out to meet-and-greet their newfound 'friends'.
See Spartacus psyop. What is YOUR allegiance to the 'Hidden Enemy'?