Yeeeessss! Official. Davos must have been too……..can’t think of the word. The party will elect someone in the ruling party to take the country thru until October 2023 when they will have the federal elections. Hearing too, that many, many left Davos EARLY. Klaus Schwab stood before one group stating how to overcome ridicule in the world of WEF. Making fun of the NWO and their agendas might be the way to go.
Yeeeessss! Official. Davos must have been too……..can’t think of the word. The party will elect someone in the ruling party to take the country thru until October 2023 when they will have the federal elections. Hearing too, that many, many left Davis EARLY. Klaus Schwab stood before one group stating how to overcome ridicule in the world of WEF. Making fun on the NWO and their agendas might be the way to go.