I just want to point out that the Holy Bible is not banned in public schools.
What is not allowed is a teacher or other school employee providing religious instruction, i.e. "preaching" or leading the school in public prayers and such.
Teaching about religion in an objective manner is also allowed. As in , "Here is what the Christian 10 Commandments are, as written in the Bible" would be allowed but "You will go to Hell if you (insert reason here)" is not.
But students along with teachers are allowed to bring their own Bibles to read during their breaks. And many public school libraries do have a copy of the Holy Bible for reference and such.
I feel it's important that people understand that they DO have the right to read their Bible at schools, just the same as they would other books, and posts like these might give someone the impression they don't.
What isn't allowed is people in positions of authority, such as public school employees, giving students religious instruction. And considering how vastly different some denominations are, that's not a 100% bad thing. I know many Protestants who would be angry at a Catholic person telling their child that they need to pray to the Virgin Mary, and some Baptists who would not want a Calvanist telling their kid that predestination is true.
I just want to point out that the Holy Bible is not banned in public schools.
What is not allowed is a teacher or other school employee providing religious instruction, i.e. "preaching" or leading the school in public prayers and such.
Teaching about religion in an objective manner is also allowed. As in , "Here is what the Christian 10 Commandments are, as written in the Bible" would be allowed but "You will go to Hell if you (insert reason here)." is not.
But students along with teachers are allowed to bring their own Bibles to read during their breaks. And many public school libraries do have a copy of the Holy Bible for reference and such.
I feel it's important that people understand that they DO have the right to read their Bible at schools, just the same as they would other books, and posts like these might give someone the impression they don't.
What isn't allowed is people in positions of authority, such as public school employees, giving students religious instruction. And considering how vastly different some denominations are, that's not a 100% bad thing. I know many Protestants who would be angry at a Catholic person telling their child that they need to pray to the Virgin Mary, and some Baptists who would not want a Calvanist telling their kid that predestination is true.
I just want to point out that the Holy Bible is not banned in public schools.
What is not allowed is a teacher or other school employee providing religious instruction, i.e. "preaching" or leading the school in public prayers and such.
Teaching about religion in an objective manner is also allowed. As in , "Here is what the Christian 10 Commandments are, as written in the Bible" would be allowed but "You will go to Hell if you (insert reason here)." is not.
But students along with teachers are allowed to bring their own Bibles to read during their breaks. And many public school libraries do have a copy of the Holy Bible for reference and such.
I feel it's important that people understand that they DO have the right to read their Bible at schools, just the same as they would other books, and posts like these might give someone the impression they don't.
What isn't allowed is people in positions of authority, such as public school employees, giving students religious instruction. And considering how vastly different some denominations are, that's not a 100% bad thing. I know many Protestants who would be angry at a Catholic person telling their child that they need to pray to the Virgin Mary, and some Baptists who would not want a Calvanist telling their kid that predestination is true.