Notice the subtle shift in position he just tried to pull off here.
His former position was that (a) there were good people on both sides (heh) but EVERYONE was making decisions based only on FEAR, of either the pseudovaccine, or the coronavirus; and (b) we just happened to "guess right", but our belief that this means we were better informed, smarter, wiser, etc., is merely proof of "confirmation bias" on our part, and proof that we are actually stupid.
NOW his position is that we "won" (was there a game or contest happening? People are dying, nitwit) but won solely because of MISTRUST. Now we're not people who are stupid, we're merely the sort of people who aren't trusting. (See? We're STILL not good people!) Of course if you don't trust the govt or mega corps that's never a bad thing, and he says so.
He clearly admits defeat, but (a) never comes off the position that it could still be luck on our part that we chose correctly in our mistrust of the pseudovax and (b) at least in this edited bit of video, I don't hear anything sounding even slightly like an apology.
Notice the subtle shift in position he just tried to pull off here.
His former position was that (a) there were good people on both sides (heh) but EVERYONE was making decisions based only on FEAR: fear of the pseudovaccine, or fear of the coronavirus.
We just happened to "guess right", but our thinking that means we were better informed, smarter, wiser, etc., is merely proof of "confirmation bias" on our part, and proof that we are actually stupid.
NOW his position is that we "Won" solely because of MISTRUST. Now we're not stupid, we're merely the sort of folks who aren't trusting. Of course if you don't trust the govt or mega corps that's never a bad thing, and he says so.
He clearly admits defeat, but (a) never comes off the position that it could still be luck on our part that we guessed correctly in our mistrust of the pseudovax and (b) at least in this edited bit of video I don't hear anything remotely sounding like an apology.