Occam’s Razor: The simplest solution is always the best :
If someone who is unjabbed has intercourse with someone who has been jabbed, he or she will also be sick.
edit 2 : Not a proof but i found this https://www.tmrjournals.com/public/articlePDF/20221114/483e983160eb24f1ef94bdd666603ac9.pdf
Occam’s Razor: The simplest solution is always the best :
If someone who is unjabbed has intercourse with someone who has been jabbed, he or she will also be sick.
edit 2 : Not a proof but in found this https://www.tmrjournals.com/public/articlePDF/20221114/483e983160eb24f1ef94bdd666603ac9.pdf
Occam’s Razor: The simplest solution is always the best :
If someone who is unjabbed has intercourse with someone who has been jabbed, he or she will also be sick.