They are indeed not very good, no one should live like this... I've been a city boy all my life.... can't really escape for financial reasons, not yet anyway, I'll keep trying.
One of the main things is the night sky, in which there isn't one... you look up and all you see is this drab grey-ish color... it's pretty disheartening.
It's no wonder cities are such a breeding ground for godlessness, when people don't have that simple humbling experience every-night of just looking up, witnessing that boundless creation, and realizing how small they are.
They are indeed not very good, no one should live like this... I've been a city boy all my life.... can't really escape for financial reasons, not yet anyway, I'll keep trying.
One of the main things is the night sky, in which there isn't one... you look up and all you see is this drab grey-ish color... it's pretty disheartening.
It's no wonder cities are such a breeding ground for Godlessness, when people don't have that simple humbling experience every-night of just looking up, witnessing that boundless creation, and realizing how small they are.