Guess personal responsibility is no longer a thing for the vaccinated.
We tell them really early on in 2021, "wait, something is wrong, don't take that vaccine yet". They say we're crazy conspiracy theorists who deserve to die because our noncompliance to their dictates will kill grandma.
3~6 months later we tell them, "it's looking like the vaccine has all this extra crap in it and that it doesn't function how the pharmaceutical company says it will function and it looks like there are lots of early adopters who were injured or died getting this vaccine." They say we should shut up and take the vaccine, get us banned for saying anything on social media, and start talking about cutting us out of society with loss of job and loss of freedom to engage in commerce.
9~12 months later we tell them. "This vaccine is definitely not what they say it is. There is clear evidence that it is designed to maim or kill those who get it and the reports of vaccine injury and death are piling up. The vaccine is not fit for human use and will lead to many untimely deaths". They say again we should be removed from society and wish us all dead. Government moves to try and force everyone to get the vaccine through intimidation and threats of loss of income (and in some cases loss of access to their own children).
Now they say, you antivaxers have blood on your hands. Well they are welcome to think that, I guess it helps them feel less responsible for poisoning themselves and shortening their lifespan by decades.
They may be surprised to find out that I wish they weren't in that position either as I would much prefer we don't have to live through a massive die off of the vaccinated with the loss of friends and family and co-workers, the emotional difficulty that will bring for our unvaccinated children and ourselves, the disruption to a functioning society having so many early deaths will bring, the difficulty this will cause for the orphaned kids ( who may also have only a few short years to live not of their own choice) and trying to provide for the surviving children.
Guess personal responsibility is no longer a thing for the vaccinated.
We tell them really early on in 2021, "wait, something is wrong, don't take that vaccine yet". They say we're crazy conspiracy theorists who deserve to die because our noncompliance to their dictates will hurry grandma.
3~6 months later we tell them, "it's looking like the vaccine has all this extra crap in it and that it doesn't function how the pharmaceutical company says it will function and it looks like there are lots of early adopters who were injured or died getting this vaccine." They say we should shut up and take the vaccine, get us banned for saying anything on social media, and start talking about cutting us out of society with loss of job and loss of freedom to engage in commerce.
9~12 months later we tell them. "This vaccine is definitely not what they say it is. There is clear evidence that it is designed to maim or kill those who get it and the reports of vaccine injury and death are piling up. The vaccine is not fit for human use and will lead to many untimely deaths". They say again we should be removed from society and wish us all dead. Government moves to try and force everyone to get the vaccine through intimidation and threats of loss of income (and in some cases loss of access to their own children).
Now they say, you antivaxers have blood on your hands. Well they are welcome to think that, I guess it helps them feel less responsible for poisoning themselves and shortening their lifespan by decades.
They may be surprised to find out that I wish they weren't in that position either as I would much prefer we don't have to live through a massive die off of the vaccinated with the loss of friends and family and co-workers, the emotional difficulty that will bring for our unvaccinated children and ourselves, the disruption to a functioning society having so many early deaths will bring, the difficulty this will cause for the orphaned kids ( who may also have only a few short years to live not of their own choice) and trying to provide for the surviving children.
Guess personal responsibility is no longer a thing for the vaccinated.
We tell them really early on in 2020, "wait, something is wrong, don't take that vaccine yet". They say we're crazy conspiracy theorists who deserve to die because our noncompliance to their dictates will hurry grandma.
3~6 months later we tell them, "it's looking like the vaccine has all this extra crap in it and that it doesn't function how the pharmaceutical company says it will function and it looks like there are lots of early adopters who were injured or died getting this vaccine." They say we should shut up and take the vaccine, get us banned for saying anything on social media, and start talking about cutting us out of society with loss of job and loss of freedom to engage in commerce.
9~12 months later we tell them. "This vaccine is definitely not what they say it is. There is clear evidence that it is designed to maim or kill those who get it and the reports of vaccine injury and death are piling up. The vaccine is not fit for human use and will lead to many untimely deaths". They say again we should be removed from society and wish us all dead. Government moves to try and force everyone to get the vaccine through intimidation and threats of loss of income (and in some cases loss of access to their own children).
Now they say, you antivaxers have blood on your hands. Well they are welcome to think that, I guess it helps them feel less responsible for poisoning themselves and shortening their lifespan by decades.
They may be surprised to find out that I wish they weren't in that position either as I would much prefer we don't have to live through a massive die off of the vaccinated with the loss of friends and family and co-workers, the emotional difficulty that will bring for our unvaccinated children and ourselves, the disruption to a functioning society having so many early deaths will bring, the difficulty this will cause for the orphaned kids ( who may also have only a few short years to live not of their own choice) and trying to provide for the surviving children.