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Ukraine was the cookie jar. Add to this some dodgy human DNA (diplomatic pouches) and Human trafficking more generally, some handy organ harvesting system on the side, drugs galore -anything you want, Some fancy operators with western guns and ammunition from non-descript trucks - that cookie jar has Mob activity written all over it. Let's brand them with armbands just to distinguish them, because they can look like ordinary people otherwise. Some get tattoos to give it all a certain flavor. It's a fashion choice, honest. What we are witnessing now is all that activity being concentrated around chemicals being shipped to Avdiivka, where most of the Ukrainian shelling of Donbass comes from.

Chemical warfare now? I suppose the Biological warfare was foiled right at the beginning - one where antagonists had a system for collecting slavic blood only, specifically NOT Western Ukrainian or semitic, by adapting a baby DNA profile card - this in a clinic close to the Russian border. So every button is pushed yet again. there are Armed Mercenaries but NOT troops on the ground - honest Joe keeps repeating.

So the money laundering came with all sorts of baggage. All the oligarchs are driving luxury cars in Monaco, and the wannabe USA oligarch, with his crummy reno-car in a dodgy garage is being burned at the stake - not only for so publicly exposing the entire racket.

Meanwhile, the dregs of that racket, in the USA ,are busy rarking congressmen and threatening them if they do not approve more military aid to Ukraine. Maybe, just maybe, someone will discover their spines. Stop the rotten flow of money into Ukraine. Yes this will deprive everyone, including women and children. But let people find their own lifelines.

So perhaps some smart alec thinks they are protecting the innocents by feeding the ravenous dogs.

When the money stops, some will turn to Russia, some will flee to other places, including all the countries bordering Ukraine, who already have significant populations of refugees. The Kiev regime needs to fall, because they have set a death sentence to anyone who dares to talk to the Russians. That law is wider death sentence symbolically - with discretion to kill anyone even owning a single piece of paper with Russian on it, including churches and intellectuals and woe is someone owning a Russian orthodox bible. Resignations and assassinations are happening, so this regime-suicide process is already in full motion. People with any kind of public position now face the real possibility of a kangaroo court with some notsees deciding they are a spy for helping a babushka to find her relatives in a safe place.

Meanwhile, the Poles are rounding up Ukrainian men to return them to the battlefield that they are expressly avoiding. Who in Europe is going to stop this madness? Are they ready to build villages for the Ukrainians? They must decide where, and the logical place would be Ukraine. Europeans cannot fix the electrical infrastructure in Ukraine, only the Russians can do that. Guess what? How about talk to the Russians - they speak a language too. The sanity will prevail when Western building companies can happily communicate with Russian infrastructure linemen and electricians.

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Ukraine was the cookie jar.

2 years ago
1 score