Rewatching a Q link helped me figure out Operation Warp Speed after Trump piqued my curiosity by continuing to praise it despite knowing that praise triggered supporters REEEEEEeeees and fuelled psyop attacks.
You Tube. Movie. Hunt for Red October. Scene. Combat tactics, Mr Ryan.
Inescapable torpedoes == Inescapable NWO vaccines
The NOW controlled Messaging to most people. Messaging created mass covid psychosis. Lockdowns were instituted. Messaging said lockdowns would end when vaccines made it safe to end lockdowns. Messaging said it could take 10 YEARS before vaccines would be available.
Lock downs == destroy independence/make everyone dependent on big corps and bid gov for everything plus crush spirit and replace with compliant submissives
Vaccines == Trojan Horse to usher in vaxx passport surveillance state
How to avoid TOTAL destruction?
ACCELERATE towards the "torpedoes"/vaccines so they hit before they were fully operational.
When President Trump realized that no matter what was said, people insisted on having vaccines before lock downs could end he used Operation Warp Speed to ACCELERATE so the vaccines hit before the NWOs scheme was fully operational ie the vaccines were available in 10 MONTHS rather than 10 YEARS.
It was a logistics miracle that NWO Messaging insisted was impossible. Until Trump pulled it off.
Personally, I suspect Trump was savvy enough to realize the Big Pharma Bros would backstab the NWO ideologues, who needed the lockdowns, because Big Pharma bros cared more about the billions of $$$$ they'd rake in right away.
As PresidentvTrump said, our country suffered a greater attack than Pearl Harbor or 9/11. Consequently, he said he viewed himself as a War Time President.
President Trumps Operation Warp Speed gave humanity a fighting chance to wake up, savvy up and successfully resist the NWO.psychopaths who attacked us and are still waging war on us.
Researching a Q link helped me figure out Operation Warp Speed after Trump piqued my curiosity by continuing to praise it despite knowing that praise triggered supporters REEEEEEeeees and fuelled psyop attacks.
You Tube. Movie. Hunt for Red October. Scene. Combat tactics, Mr Ryan.
Inescapable torpedoes == Inescapable NWO vaccines
The NOW controlled Messaging to most people. Messaging create mass covid psychosis. Lockdowns were instituted. Messaging said lockdowns would end when vaccines made it safe to end lockdowns. Messaging said it could take 10 YEARS before vaccines would be available.
Lock downs == destroy independence/make everyone dependent on big corps and bid gov for everything plus crush spirit and replace with compliant submissives
Vaccines == Trojan Horse to usher in vaxx passport surveillance state
ACCELERATE towards they "torpedoes"/vaccines so they hit before they were fully operational.
When President Trump realized that no matter what was said, people insisted on having vaccines before lock downs could end he used Operation Warp Speed to ACCELERATE so the vaccines hit before the NWOs scheme was fully operational ie the vaccines were available in 10 MONTHS rather than 10 YEARS.
It was a logistics miracle that NWO Messaging insisted was impossible. Until Trump pulled it off.
Personally, I suspect Trump was savvy enough to realize the Big Pharma Bros would backstab the NWO ideologue who needed the lockdowns, because Big Pharma bros cared more about the billions of $$$$ they'd rake in right away.
As PresidentvTrump said, our country suffered a greater attack than Pearl Harbor or 9/11. Consequently, he said he viewed himself as a War Time President.
President Trumps Operation Warp Speed gave humanity a fighting chance to wake up, savvy up and successfully resist the NWO.psychopaths who attacked us and are still waging war on us.