First of all if you sit back and didn't report the illegals to ice , guess what , your part of the problem. With that said they do exactly like I said , they skirt the system.the welfare system. I have no problem with the lawful immigrant.. but they do drive wages down for American workers. It's a piss poor statement to say they only take the jobs Americans don't for the lazy asses on welfare that can be fixed with term limits , both in politics and time allowed on welfare. BTW Biden is giving illegals a phone , 800 cash and 600in food stamps and housing vouchers. Let that sink in.
First of all if you sit back and didn't report the illegals to ice , guess what , your part of the problem. With that said they do exactly like I said , they skirt the system.the welfare system. I have no problem with the lawful immigrant.. but they do drive wages down for American workers. It's a piss poor statement to say they only take the jobs Americans don't for the lazy asses on welfare that can be fixed with term limits , both in politics and time allowed on welfare. BTW Biden is giving illegals a phone , 800 cash and food stamps and housing vouchers. Let that sink in
First of all if you sit back and didn't report the illegals to ice , guess what , your part of the problem. With that said they do exactly like I said , they skirt the system.the welfare system. I have no problem with the lawful immigrant.. but they do drive wages down for American workers. It's a piss poor statement to say they only take the jobs Americans don't want.