So if I’m ignorant about something I’m in trouble on the GAW? When did this start?
I don’t believe we landed on the moon, because I don’t “trust the science”. And I’m shocked you do. Oh we have museums that show space stuff? And pictures!! Oh nvm then. Must be true! Please. If my “doubting the science” upsets your stance, then do what you have to do. It’s your world after all, right?
And since we’re editing. To me, this whole space thing, esp NASA…biggest money laundering in the US. It’s so obvious. But hey, that my opinion. Which I’m sharing, on this forum.
So if I’m ignorant about something I’m in trouble on the GAW? When did this start?
I don’t believe we landed on the moon, because I don’t “trust the science”. And I’m shocked you do. Oh we have museums that show space stuff? And pictures!! Oh nvm then. Must be true! Please. If my “doubting the science” upsets your stance, then do what you have to do. It’s your world after all, right?