Perhaps it makes "no sense" because some data points are not true and others may be misunderstood?
Graham == Republican SC Senator for 30 years
If Graham had NOT been at Trumps SC GOP event THAT would have been a VERY bad sign.
Graham and Trump together at SC GOP event and Trump campaign kick off speech == GOOD
President Trump did NOT endorse "Romney for RNC chair. That was a LIE put out by anti Trump CON Inc influencers who are hyping DeSantis2024.
President Trump was NOT complaining about DeSantis. He was pointing out facts and offering avenues for further research to those interested in what kind of national/international policies Ron would have that aren't apparent in Rons role as a governor.
Sharing =/= " complaining.
Verb choices can reveal possible subconscious subjective bias that may distort perception much like the choice of sunglass tints do.
Perhaps it makes "no sense" because some data points are not true and others may be misunderstood?
Graham == Republican SC Senator for 30 years
If Graham had NOT been at Trumps SC GOP event THAT would have been a VERY bad sign.
Graham and Trump together at SC GOP event and Trump campaign kick off speech == GOOD
President Trump did NOT endorse "Romney for RNC chair. That was a LIE put out by anti Trump CON Inc influencers who are hyping DeSantis2024.
President Trump was NOT complaining about DeSantis. He was pointing out facts and offering avenues for further research to those interested in what kind of national/international policies Ron would have that aren't apparent in Tons role as a governor.
Sharing =/= " complaining.
Verb choices can reveal possible subconscious subjective bias that may distort perception much like the choice of sunglass tints do.