Brian Cates onTS is all over this saying, “ Dasting.
Trump puts on red-white-blue war paint as the Day of Days approaches.”
and then links to Q post for tomorrow’s 5 year delta, 647, where Q responds to an anon that said, “Tomorrow is Freedom Day. Q posted a flag named freedom and timing is everything. Tomorrow.” Q responds with,
“[D]ay [of] [D]ays”
Brian Cates onTS is all over this saying, “ Dasting.
Trump puts on red-white-blue war paint as the Day of Days approaches.”
and then links to Q post for tomorrow’s 5 year delta, 647, where Q responds to an anon that said, “Tomorrow is Freedom Day. Q posted a flag named freedom and timing is everything. Tomorrow.” Q responds with,
“[D]ay [of] [D]ays”